For a while now I’ve been telling everyone that Sara Goetz Photography is a venture of faith first, and a business second.
I’ll just pause here for a second and wait for the spiritual applause to die down. At least, spiritual applause is what I always sort of expected when I uttered those words.
I felt so proud of myself, as if I had committed to something so super spiritual, I was bound to have won the favor of God. I mean, wouldn’t God willingly and happily bless that kind of attitude? I was proud of myself for the seemingly huge steps of obedience it took to embrace that calling.
But that pride has dissolved into humility.
This weekend He uttered – no – He whispered (which is very different) something new in my ear that stopped me in my tracks. “What if it isn’t your business that is a venture of faith? What if what I really want is for your whole life to be a venture of faith. Do you think you could do that?”
Oh boy.
The reality of what God was asking hit me in the face the way a baseball slaps the glove of a catcher. And I’ve been a Christian for like, my WHOLE LIFE. It took my breath away. And my pride.
You see, when God originally talked to me about a “venture of faith” I thought he was talking about my business. But God is quickly showing me it’s about my life. As a follower of Christ, “Ventures of Faith” are not reserved for some of the endeavors in my life. No, no, no. Instead, it has to be that my life IS a venture of faith. Photography is a venture of faith. But so is my marriage, my motherhood, my friendships, - all of my endeavors and relationships. If I can separate the things in my life that are ventures of faith from the things that aren’t, I’ve missed my calling. I’ve missed the boat.
And I desperately don’t want to miss the boat. I want to be on that one when it sails away.
When I meet Jesus I want to hear Him say, (And I scripted this out for Him as a little joke between Him and me…), “You did it, Sara. You didn’t miss a thing I had for you to do or a blessing I was ready to give. You did it right, and you made me proud. Come on, let’s check this place out! It’s amazing…”
And if I really want to hear those words, I’m realizing, I need to start viewing EVERYTHING as a venture of faith. I need to understand that there is nothing in my life that can or should exist outside of the umbrella of faith.
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