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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Guest Blogger Sara Goetz – Business as Transformation

What if business wasn’t just about making money. What if it was about transformation?

In 5 years of steady growth with our business I know this for certain: God did not invite me into Sara Goetz Photography to change the photography & small business community – although, I would have really liked that.

He invited me into small business ownership so that He could change me.

God has used our small business to grow me up, to teach me about faith and priorities, to confront my weaknesses, and to strengthen my marriage.

In sum. He has made Sara Goetz Photography into a sanctifying experience. Really! It’s true! Only God could use a business as a means of sanctification. Who would have guessed?

Sara Goetz Photography will never simply need more office space, faster computers, or a bigger marketing budget. Well it might, but none of those things will in and of themselves help me to fulfill God’s purpose for this venture in my life.

Instead, it requires that I continually lay it down at the feet of Him who has the imagination, vision, and resources to let it make me more into the woman I was created to be.

We have not neglected a business plan, abandoned revenue goals, or neglected profit margin. We have all of those and we have set high expectations for what our business will do financially for our life. We do not give away our services. Instead I strive to make offering our services about becoming more like Christ – about being changed. So that the art and practice of Sara Goetz Photography is a worshipful experience that pleases the heart of God – and begins to change my heart to be more like His.

After all, what good is a successful business if I am unchanged before God?

1 comment:

  1. Sara, welcome to the Faith@Work blog! I love the question you've posed in this article. I'm convinced that God wants to use all of our daily activities in His Kingdom work of transformation and restoration to His original intent. There's a personal level as you rightly point out, in which we're to be conformed to the image of Christ, and also I think there's a more global element in which our business transforms society to some degree. I'd be interested to see you write about that aspect of your business - the creative element, the relationships, etc.
